Show Notes

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S4 E23 | Igniting Your True Calling

August 30, 20231 min read

Welcome to season 4 of the Life Activated Podcast! This time around, we're diving deep into the world of passions and listening to that little voice inside us all.

I have to admit, there was a time when I didn't quite listen to my calling. And boy, did it have an impact on my life! But hey, we all make mistakes, right? The important thing is that I learned from it and now I'm here, ready to inspire and motivate you to follow your own passions.

This season we have amazing guests who will be sharing their own stories of how they followed their passions and listened to their calling. Trust me, their journeys are nothing short of inspiring!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of taking action and living with purpose

  • How not listening to one's calling can lead to unhappiness

  • Everyone has a calling that can shift and change over time

  • Tuning in to your own calling

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