Mari Roberts


Strengthening your corporate culture is essential, and simple.

Most employees are underutilized, undervalued, and leaving because they’re looking for a place that allows them to be their most authentic selves.

This starts with fostering an environment where your employees are celebrated for who they are.

The results? Your employees feel more satisfied and fulfilled, and you increase productivity, retention, and profits.


Virtual and In Person

  • Workshops and Facilitation

  • Keynote Speaker

  • Energy Healing and Meditation

  • Breathwork and Meditation

  • Oracle Card and Psychic Readings


iPEC Coaching

Integrative Energy and Breathwork Facilitator

Reiki II Practitioner

Sound Healing Level I

“I recommend Mari to all of my peers that are seeking more than just impact but want to find, purpose and meaning in their work and life. Mari is truly the best!”

  • Lauren Cosgrave, Google


Building a Roadmap for Success: How Strategic Planning Empowered Carnation

Introduction: The City of Carnation embarked on a transformative journey to define its future direction through a strategic planning retreat.

Challenge: The City of Carnation faced multifaceted challenges, including the need to define clear goals, enhance community engagement, and establish effective governance practices. With diverse perspectives and priorities among council members and city staff, the challenge was to facilitate productive discussions and reach consensus on key issues.

Approach: Preparation was key to the success of the retreat. Pre-read materials, including agendas, council procedures, and previous goals, were distributed to participants. Additionally, pre-calls were conducted with council members to identify overarching themes and priorities, ensuring focused discussions during the retreat.

During the retreat, I employed proven facilitation techniques to guide discussions and foster collaboration. Structured exercises and guided dialogue were used. Together we identified strategic priorities, establish guiding principles, and develop actionable recommendations.


• Clear goal setting with key priorities like zoning improvements and economic development, with specific milestones for accountability

• Guiding principles adoption to emphasize quality of life, community development, sustainability, and trust

• Strengthened relationships among council members and staff, leading to consensus on critical projects

• A commitment to regular goal review meetings and team-building exercises, ensuring sustainability

Conclusion: Through strategic facilitation, the City of Carnation achieved tangible outcomes, positioning itself for continued success and positive community impact.


Meet Mari

Mari understands what drives strong corporate culture. With over 15 years of HR experience in recruitment, learning and development, and employee experience, Mari has mentored new grads, coached senior leaders, and managed high performing teams.

What she knows for sure is that authentic and expressed individuals create exceptional cultures.

Mari partners with organizations to do this through:

Workshops that enhance team dynamics and foster communication.

Experiences at events and celebrations that enhance authenticity and self-expression.

Whether you hire Mari to facilitate a breakout workshop at your next team building event or to sass up your holiday party with mini psychic readings, Mari specializes in creating memorable and impactful experiences that deliver ROI for your company and for individual employees.

Expect improved team dynamics, enhanced leadership skills, and events that leave a lasting positive impact.


Corporate Experience





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